Monday, December 15, 2008
ABC7 News - women in Network Marketing
Whether you are male or female, young or old, contact me at if you would like to know more about this opportunity.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
If a School Bus Driver can make $250,000 a year, how much can YOU make?
Take the first step by visiting my site and starting your FREE custom tour.
We can show you how to make over $100,000 a year in RESIDUAL income!
Request My Interview Now
Remember Opportunity never disappears, it just goes to the people who seize it.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Are you prepared?
With our economy being at it's lowest point in years, I ask you, are you and your family ready? If not, let me show you a way to put an extra $500-$1000 in your pocket each month before Thanksgiving!
Why are YOU looking for a career from home?
Are you a parent, and can't afford daycare? What about the headaches of a daily commute? Think about your reasons for wanting a career from home. Are your reasons valid? Do you have what it takes to have a career from home?
No matter what home career you are looking into, we can help!
If you are in Australia, Canada, UK or USA visit my Arbonne site for more information.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Black Belt Recruiting released to the public today for a limited time only!
FREE 60 Minute Training Video Reveals How to Sponsor 10+ Reps a Month with ANY Company!
Are you tired of the old school network marketing techniques? You know the 3 foot rule, hanging flyers, bugging your family and friends, and holding hotel meetings.
I know that when I first joined my first network marketing company, I was told to use these same techniques. I was told to make a list of 100 people that I knew and basically call every one of them to ask and see if they would be interested in making some extra money. When that didn't work I decided to buy some opportunity leads.
Now I was out a lot of money, and had nothing to show for it.
Would you like to learn how to be more efficient, eliminate rejection, increase your sponsoring and OUT RECRUIT your upline?
Take a look at the free Black Belt Recruiting training video and learn the secrets to finding people who want to be in your business.
You can get free instant access to the video here...Click Here!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Frank Bauer's New Ad Tracking & Split Testing System
Frank calls it the Add2it Go-To System... the one-stop ads, visitors, clicks, actions & sales conversion tracking & split testing solution.
All the top marketers use this to double, triple and quardruple their results... a must have service!
I am sure you will agree once you get your hands on it yourself...
Why Should You Take Advantage Of The Add2it Go-To System?
Here's what makes the Add2it Go-To System such a smart choice...
- This system protects all of your affiliate links from commission hijackers!
- This system lets you see how well your website or squeeze page converts visitors to sales!
- This system lets you easily track, manage and edit hundreds of your promotions!
- This system tracks your Return On Investment (ROI) from online as well as offline promotions!
- This system doubles, triples and quadruples your conversion rate thanks to the built-in split testing system!
And this is just the beginning! Learn all by clicking below!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Why I like Network Marketing. Hear me out!
DO YOU LIKE WHAT YOU DO? by Jerry Clark.
I once spoke with a gentleman who was a 54-year old Sales Manager for a major U.S. Computer Company. He had never been in Network Marketing but was highly considering it for the first time.
He said, "Jerry, I was in London last month on a business trip. A business associate over there gave me a magazine that was published in the U.K. and I saw an article you wrote in it. I didn't know who you were but I read your article and really got a lot from it. Then I heard you on a radio show when I got back to the U.S., and I thought that was a sign that I should contact you. Over the past 25 years, at least a dozen people have approached me about Network Marketing, but I have never been able to see myself as a distributor."
I asked him what interested him about it now, and he said, "Retirement. Based on my investment portfolio and my income I know I won't be able to retire and continue to live the lifestyle that my wife and I are accustomed to. And based on my research, it appears this thing I've been avoiding all these years - Network Marketing - is our best chance to be able to set ourselves up financially within the next 6-8 years. But I just don't like doing the things that I've been hearing that I would have to do in order to make it work."
I laughed and said, "Great! Welcome to the crowd."
He was puzzled.
I told him that one of the best parts about building a Network Marketing business is the fact that you don't have to like it to do it. There was silence on the phone and I knew he was confused so I continued.
I asked him how long he had been in the workforce. He said over 30 years.
I then made the following statement to him: "Are you telling me that over the last 30 years you actually liked waking up in the morning to an electronic rooster ringing in your ear? Did you like rushing in the morning to get into traffic and breathe in the exhaust pipe fumes that came from other cars? Did you like working with a bunch of negative people who were constantly engaged in office politics? Did you like being told when you could take a lunch break, take a vacation, how often you could get sick, and how much money you were worth? Did you actually like telling your four children that they couldn't get the toys they wanted and deserved? Did you like telling your wife that you couldn't take the vacation that you all deserved and desired? Did you like being bossed around by someone who was less competent than you were?"
I went on a tangent for at least another minute or two with this type of questioning. I finished by saying, "I didn't like a lot of what I had to do, but I knew I wasn't going to like doing all that corporate stuff for 30 or 40 years either. So I figured if I was going to do something I didn't like, I may as well do it for a shorter period of time. That's why I chose Network Marketing.
"Today I'm a 32 year old guy who lives in a 7,000 sq. ft. home, travels the equivalent of five trips around the world each year, associates with positive, uplifting and pumped up people, and wakes up when I'm done sleeping to a beautiful view of trees and the sounds of the waterfall crashing down on my swimming pool. I figured if I was going to do something I didn't like, I may as well do it for a shorter period of time.
"So my friend, you can go ahead and spend the next 6-8 years of your life doing something you don't like and end up flat broke, or you can spend the next 6-8 years of your life doing something you don't like and set yourself up for life. Nevertheless, don't be surprised if you start to not only like Network Marketing, but also love it. It's your life and it's your choice."
By the time the call ended, the guy was in tears. I think he got the point.
Jerry Clark became a self-made millionaire while still in his 20's. Today, through his company Club Rhino, Inc., he conducts personal and professional development seminars around the World.
Interested in knowing more about my Network Marketing Opportunity?
Visit my website
Monday, June 30, 2008
Look Who Fired her Boss.

Just wanted to share the latest success story from our team. Her name is Kristie and she is a single mom. Kristie's goal was to hit $25,000 in lifetime residual income so she can fire her boss and come home to her children and she did it!
Congratulations to KRISTIE WOOTEN
for FIRING her boss and for
moving up to SESD!!!
Our company will deliver on their promise.
YAAAAAYYYYYY I finally did it!!!! GOODBYE CORPORATE AMERICA!!!!! Good bye cell block, Goodbye .32 cent raises, Goodbye fluorescent lighting and Goodbye time clocks!!!!!! Adios, Ciao, Sayonara, Arrivederci, Peace Out!! YOU ARE SOOOO FIIIIRRREDD!!!!!!! I cant say that I am surprised at all that this is happening. For me it has never been a matter of IF but a matter of WHEN!!!
I have had the absolute honor of meeting MANY FAHT members but for those of you who don't know me yet . I'd like to take a second to share a little about myself. This might be a little wordy but I just have so much to say in hopes that it will inspire at least one person into believing that they can do this too!!!! I started AP in May of 2006. I was a stay at home mom of two beautiful angels. Brittani is seven and Landon is four. I was in a very unacceptable marriage and I was pretty broken down. I was trapped financially but most of all emotionally. I needed to find financial independence and make a positive change for my kids and I. It was so very important to me that my kids grow up in a positive and safe environment. So I started looking for a "Plan B". I searched for work from home for about two years. I came across Janie's ad in January of 2006 but I was extremely skeptical. For the next four months, that ad kept slapping me right in the face. I finally thought, "I am going find some bad things out about this company so I can stop thinking about it." So I started my research and what I found was the complete opposite!! My Doctor, Pediatrician, OB/GYN and Dentist accepted our plans. And then I noticed the company had elite credentials and that's when I got excited. THIS was the real deal!!! So I requested an interview, Janie called me and I signed up on the spot. I stayed up ALL night long doing the training and started making calls the next day. I had found my "PLAN B"!!!!
This company has changed my life!! I look at myself now and I'm not even the same person I was two years ago. I have grown so much personally. I have conquered so many fears from from being a wife in fear, having a huge phone fear, having a "leading a conference call" fear, having a talk on stage fear, etc. All that is GONE!!! BUH BYE!! This has been so much more than a business for me. How could I lose with a support group like the FAHT!!!! I have made so many life long friendships that have been a blessing to me!! I have been recognized for sooo many accomplishments with AP and I'm always so grateful each time because in Corporate America, you don't get recognized for anything except for what you're doing wrong!!!
My journey with our company has been amazing but it has not always been easy. I've told Janie that last year was the worst AND best year of my life. I faced a very hard time in my life but made a decision to STAND UP AND FIGHT rather than falling down!!! I went through a very nasty divorce, was literally scared into moving out of my house, my daughter had to switch schools and I had to get a full time JOB and put my little boy in daycare for the first time in his life. Up until today my days went a little something like this. I would wake up at 5:00am, get everyone up and out to school. I had to peel a screaming three year old off of me every morning at daycare. His arms would be reaching out to me and he would scream over and over again "mommy no go." Then I would sit in traffic for an hour and a half just to get to work by 8:00. I would make my prospecting calls on my fifteen minute breaks, my 30 minute lunch breaks and my hour and a half drive home in traffic. I would get home by 6:30, see my kids for an hour and a half, put them to bed and start working AP again until about midnight, sometimes later. Then I would wake up and start all over again. Was it hard work??? Absolutely! Did I fall asleep on my computer some nights??? Absolutely! Did my house get messy? Absolutely! Did I feel guilty about not spending a lot of time with my kids??? Absolutely! Did I ever wonder if I was doing the right thing??? Absolutely NOT! I KNEW that this company was going to make a HUGE difference in my family's life and that it was going to bring me home again!! I knew my situation was only temporary!! Making sacrifices for a year to come home versus working at a JOB for 40 more years was the best decision I have ever made in my entire life!!! My kids have a full time "happy" mommy again!!!! A full time mommy with a full time work from home income!!!! Oh my goodness what an incredible blessing!!
So many people have contributed to helping this dream come to pass for me. My mom has been my biggest cheerleader with my business. She also has the vision of what this company is going to do for our family! She encourages me everyday to go all the way with it!! She has been my traveling nanny so that I can continue to attend events and grow! She has helped me through so many hard times this year. Thank you mom!! You are a strong, intelligent, business minded woman and an AMAZING mom and you are setting a fantastic example for me! I love you so much!!
And to my amazing team. Thank you for ALL that you do!!! I would not be here without you!!!! You make every day of this business fun for me. It is my mission to help bring all of you home!!!! And now that I'm home, I can help you even more!! Patti Triplett, Traci Wright, Amy Sun and Maria Rappa (a.k.a. My Shining Stars, My Power Players and My Best Friends). I love you guys!! Thank you for supporting me and encouraging me every step of the way!!! I could NOT have done this without you! You're next girls!!!!
Thank you so much to the FAHT NSDs that have paved the way for us and have proven to us that this can be done!!! Thank you for cheering me on all the way to the top!!! What an amazing group of strong, independent women getting it done!! You are an inspiration to me!! Becky and Regina, your stories of making calls out of your cars while you were still working your full time job is one thing that really motivated me to keep going everyday! Thank you for leading by example!
Janie and Michael, my enrollers, my mentors and my inspiration, (I knew I would start to cry when I started this part) You are two of the most amazing people I have ever known. You are so giving and so dedicated to your FAHT. We are so lucky to be on this team!!! When I told you over IM at 1:00 in the morning that I was getting a divorce and had to get a FT job, my phone rang within a minute and there you were encouraging me and telling me this will only be temporary, that I would have an amazing future with AP!! You were right!!! I hope you realize how much of a positive impact you have had on my life. I owe all of my success to you!! Thank you soooo very much for investing in me in every way and for always believing in me!!!!! I know your mission is to bring parents home.....well Mission accomplished!!!!!! My kids and I are forever grateful to you!! I love you guys!! When I told Brittani that I finally fired my boss, she started jumping up and down with the biggest smile and her eyes full of tears. Later that evening I saw her writing a note, I walked over and it was a note to you Janie!! You know Brit loves you....LOL Here's what the note said (I will include spelling errors & everything):
Dear Jannie,
Thank you for letting my mommy Quit her Job Because I wanted her pick me up from scool every day. And because so we can play in the morning when Im done getting dressed and not rush all the time. And so I don't have to wait hours for her to come home and call her all the time asking when she is coming home.
To my little "Whys", Brittani and Landon. You are my life and my everything! Everytime I had a discouraging moment or was so tired that I didn't think I could make another call, I thought about you and it got me right back on track! Brittani, thank you for always jumping up and down with me and screaming "And THAT'S how it's done" with me when I enrolled someone and for harassing me if I didn't enroll anyone that day....LOL Boy are you a Mommy Jr.!!! Watch out world!!! Thank you also for writing little notes and sticking them in my planner to read when I got to work telling me "Good luck on firing your boss today" with a pretty picture of us holding hands in front of our house. Guess what baby??? MOMMY'S HOME!!
For anyone out there working toward this goal, you can totally do this!!!! Believe in yourself and work your butt off!! Fight to get your life back! Fight for the life that you and your family deserve!!! The end result is soooo worth it!!!! Our Company absolutely Delivers on its Promise! I am living proof. How many single moms do you know that can be home full time with their kids AND make a full time income?? This is a dream come true!!!! Thank you !!!!
NEXT STOP, NSD, 50K and MANY fired bosses on my team!!!!
Many blessings,
Kristie W. - Florida
** Company name removed due to marketing requirements from our Corporate Office.
To receive more information about the company visit:
Request My Interview Now
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Get paid to try products and services

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
SpiderWeb Marketing System
The SpiderWeb Marketing system is part of the new wave of Viral marketing machines....and it is FREE.
It gives You Step-By-Step Video Instructions on How To Build an Internet Business from Your home that will generate more than 12 separate streams of 100% Passive Residual Income!
Whether you are looking for new income streams or a way to generate your own leads, you have to take a look at this. Click Here!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Get the TOP result for 5 keywords on Google for FREE!
I have tried some of the forums and places that allow you to place free ads, and I have to say I get a lot of emails back about other business opportunities and to date, no real leads.
I have read about Pay-Per-Click (PPC) but I could see myself loosing money very quickly on that one. Then there are the many organizations that will charge you a lot of money to get your website to rank No 1 on Google or other Search Engines.
Imagine my surprise when I stumbled over a website today that will allow you to submit your website for FREE and will get you the TOP result for your 5 keywords on Google and 39 Other Search Engines within 120 days.
Why would they do that? They will let you see what that TOP spot feels like for 7 days, after that if you want to keep the spot then you will need to pay for the service.
What more can you ask for? A risk free opportunity to market your business.
Take a look for yourself.

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Craigslist is a central network of online communities, featuring free classified advertisements.
Each geographical area has there own set of pages, so unlike eBay you are only selling locally.
You can post many ads in a single category with up to 4 photos in each ad.
Take photos and put in a good description and you are on your way to making some extra money. How much? In one year I made over $1000 selling second hand baby items.
I make sure they are clean and that I price them well. We live in a safe neighbourhood so I have people come to the house when my husband is home. For people a little further away I have met at the local mall or market if it was convenient for both of us. Do what you feel comfortable with. I do not recommend putting your address or phone number in the ad unless it is for a garage sale.
Not comfortable but have a lot of items to sell? Then take a look at eBay. You will probably make less money due to the eBay and Paypal fees but it is better to feel safe.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
30 Tips For Working From Home Jobs
FlavaOfBlog: 30 Tips For Working From Home Jobs
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
You can market both online and offline.
Here are just a few of your offline marketing options:
Yes marketing is going to cost you money, but you have to spend money to make money.
I recently found a company that has FREE marketing items available and I have been very happy with their products.
I would highly recommend you take a look at
For more information on our experience Click Here! to see my post.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Multi-level Marketing
Multi-level marketing (MLM), also known as Network Marketing is a business distribution model that allows a parent multi-level marketing company to market their products directly to consumers by means of relationship referral and direct selling.
It is important to pick the right company and the right product/s for you.
It is most important that you understand the compensation plan and the conditions that apply to maintaining your agreement as a Distributor or Independant Business Owner and be realistic about how much time you have to put into the business beforing signing on the bottom line.
I have tried a few different companies along the way and have decided that home parties are not for me. I want to be home with my family in the evening and on weekends, not at boutiques and parties.
Some companies will provide you with everything you need to start your new business, including a website with ecommerce capabilities. Others will charge extra for a web site or email tools. Most companies have discount agreements with providers for any of the additional services that you may need for your business.
The benefits of being part of a MLM is that the product is already defined and in most cases so are the ads and even web sites, all you have to do is market them.